Rope Rescue/Confined Space Training

Here are Salt Painting employees, receiving Rope Rescue Training. Having rope rescue capabilities allows us to provide our own rescue squad when doing confined space work. If we have to rely on a local fire department or other local emergency service to perform rescues, it might take them many minutes, or perhaps much longer, to arrive at the site. Then they have to assess the situation, assemble equipment, and enter the confined space, perhaps taking much more time. By having our own trained employees on the job with rescue equipment, we can perform a rescue immediately, should that ever be necessary.

DEP Tank Lining Certifications

Salt Painting Inc has recently renewed DEP tank lining certifications for Roy Smith(pictured above left) and Tom Campbell (pictured above right).
This certification is required by Pennsylvania DEP to sandblast, paint and coat the interior of DEP listed tanks. Both Roy and Tom have years of experience in the blasting, coating and lining of tanks.”